The BEST Giggle Step I ever used to easily lose 90 lbs.

What I call Giggle Steps are steps so tiny and easy they make your brain giggle. :-)

[Note: There’s a blog post on this website that describes what Giggle Steps are.]

I started my “Weight Loss Journey” (as they like to say…) with the a Giggle Step that was THE most life -changing step of my weight-issue-driven life.

I already knew creating an Automatic, Locked-In Habit Array* for maintaining my weight was the most important FIRST THING I could do to lose the weight forever.

And I knew that that would take time. A. Lot. Of. Time.

Oh sure, I could lose 30 lbs pretty fast (I had many times already) but something bad would happen in my life (big or little) and my Scaredy-Cat Brain would feel the Cortisol Hit from it and then would jump back to my old over-eating neural pathways to make me feel safe (i.e. get me back to feel-good Dopamine) —by eating. A lot. And it worked! It worked to get me to feel safe again, that is.

But before I knew it, I’d gained all that weight back and more.

But I was 63 years old and 250 lbs and I knew if I’d keep doing things the way I had been doing to lose those 30 lbs over and over…that I would lose 30 lbs and gain it all back and then some—AGAIN.

And that would mean I could end up at 300+ lbs soon.

I was so done with that.

I knew I had to get a big HABIT ARRAY all locked-in and automatic first. So…

I asked my brain how long should I maintain my 250 lb weight while I was locking-in that big Habit Array:

One year? No.

Two years? Nope.

Three years? Uhh…no again.

It wasn’t until I got to, “Five years?” that my brain went, “Well, DUH! We can do THAT!”

And that is exactly what I did.

And literally at the 5 year mark everything automatically (without any conscious effort on my part) fell into place and I lost the 90 lbs in 1.5 years and it was sooo Easy Effortless Fun that whole time!

And it’s been sooo Easy Effortless Fun keeping it off for 5 years and counting. Even Including…gaining and then losing The Pandemic 15.

YIKES. There I said it. I told you the secret to my Easy Effortless Fun and FOREVER weight loss was maintaining my weight for 5 years! My Scaredy-Cat has told me for years that no one will want to hear this.

Buy here’s another secret: OMG it was sooo much FUN to maintain my 250 lb. weight.

I had a BLAST the whole 5 years!

(More about how I did that and how it locked in that HABIT ARRAY in upcoming posts.)

  • I knew that Habit Array included dozens (hundreds?) of new habits. I’ll do a future post about what some of those are.

Betsy Burroughs